Rating Fats: From Best(green light) To Worst(red light)
fat foods Nutritionally rich get richer, and the nutritionally poor get poorer. Chips that Clog Potato chips are one of the most heart-unfriendly foods. Most are high in [...]
Are Your Friends Making You Fat ?
friend party Are your friends making you fat? Or keeping you slender? According to new research from Harvard and the University of California, San Diego, the short answer [...]
Surya Namaskar- Benificial for Health
Asanas For Abdominal Toning Exercise 2 Sun Salutation - Surya Namaskar surya namaskar steps It is considered as the best exercise for human body. Surya Namaskar consists of [...]
Asanas- Benificial for Health
Asanas For Abdominal Toning Exercise 3 SHALABHASANA (Ardha Shalabhasana) shalabhasana PostureShalabh means 'locust' as the position of the body in the asana appears to be like that of [...]
Count Something?
Changing sedentary habits can be difficult . If your enthusiasm for exercise starts to wane , try these strategies : Questions fight discouragement by focusing on short term goals that [...]
Physician Missing Something
Is Your Physician Missing Something ? Obesity is pretty complex; it is not a simple disorder. Extra calories that are taken as food are initially stored in subcutaneous tissue where [...]