obesity exercise

obesity exercise

It is a general belief that obesity can be treated by exercise alone. This is a wrong notion. . The amount of exercise required to reduce even a kilo of fat is tremendous. when a person is overweight by 14 kg, his heart has to do double the work than if he is at optimum weight. This means such a person climbing one floor will feel the exertion as if he has gone up 2 floors. So excessive amount of exercise would be harmful and may give rise to heart disease and joint troubles, etc .

Exercise has no local effect on the fat e.g you want to reduce the fat on thighs, any exercise for the thighs will not reduce the fat there, as only the muscles move the part and not the fat . People wrongly believe that exercise firms up and tones the fat. NO . Only the muscles can be toned up, and not the fat.

So best aerobic exercise for obese persons is slow level walking or brisk walking – it could be one hour and even it could be divided into four portions of 15 minutes each , even at home if not outside, consuming the same number of calories as one hour of continuous walk. Because of regular walk appetite actually decreases and the obese person is less inclined to eat more. In addition the effect of walk continuous throughout the day leading to increased metabolism and hence caloric requirements go up, leading to faster weight loss.

Quite a few obese people wrongly believe that any exercise which does not cause excessive perspiration does not help in weight reduction. NO. Perspiration has nothing to do with weight loss . Fat never ever melts in the form of sweat as is thought by many weight watchers .

So it proves that exercise is not substitute for proper dieting. It helps in weight reduction as a supplement and not as an alternative.