25 03, 2014

Asanas For Abdominal Muscle Toning

By |2017-03-01T13:49:59+05:30March 25th, 2014|Articles|0 Comments

Saral Hasta Bhujangasana Saral Hasta Bhujangasana Posture The shape of the spinal column is similar to that of a cobra raising its head. Pre positionProne Position. Procedure Bring both the hands close near chest and place palms on the ground. Touch the forehead on the ground.Inhaling first raise the forehead and chin, bend [...]

25 03, 2014

Weight Gain In Menopausal Women

By |2017-03-01T13:49:59+05:30March 25th, 2014|Articles|0 Comments

Have you crossed 40 ? Have you started noticing that slowly but surely your weight seems to be moving in the upward direction ?. The normal tendency would be to blame it on the hormonal changes happening during those tough days of life, when your monthly cycles are planning to take a pause , in [...]

25 03, 2014

Rating Fats: From Best(green light) To Worst(red light)

By |2017-03-01T13:49:59+05:30March 25th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

fat foods Nutritionally rich get richer, and the nutritionally poor get poorer. Chips that Clog Potato chips are one of the most heart-unfriendly foods. Most are high in fake fats, which gives them an enticing flavor. To keep one chip ahead of chip- savvy consumers, some potato chip manufacturers are beginning to add [...]

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