15 04, 2014

Wellness blooms at retail

By |2017-03-01T13:49:59+05:30April 15th, 2014|Press Release|0 Comments

The Health and Wellness segment is touted to be a Rs 1-lakh crore industry by 2015, according to a joint report carried out by FICCI and PwC. And even though the industry is still in its nascent stage, it seems to hold a lot of potential as observed by industry players and experts. Read on [...]

15 04, 2014

How to avoid putting on excess weight

By |2017-03-01T13:49:59+05:30April 15th, 2014|Press Release|0 Comments

How to avoid putting on excess weight Why people are unable to control weight – simple answer is because they overeat.This means to control weight they need to take as much calories of food as they can burn in physical activity. The extra calories are stored as body fat and thus results in excess weight [...]

14 04, 2014

10 simple ways to lose weight this Women’s day!

By |2017-03-01T13:49:59+05:30April 14th, 2014|Press Release|0 Comments

  So start with small, sustainable changes like having more home-cooked meals, going for regular walks and follow these 10 simple ways to lose weight by Dr. Rukadikar Women are constantly worried about dieting and losing weight. Any occasion always inspires women to lose some extra kilos. But with so many diets out there, it can be [...]

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